Creating alert definitions with CLI

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at
Fri Oct 10 13:09:14 UTC 2014

Le 10/10/2014 14:53, Michael Burman a écrit :
> Hi,
> About the long standing RFE (BZ 617202), I'd like to ask for your opinions. I've done some work and a preliminary implementation that would make creating definitions through CLI as close as possible to the GUI interface. Now I would like to have some opinions, if I'm taking the right route and if you have any wishes. I try to employ the builder-pattern in this case and I tried to use existing domain-models (I haven't changed any existing ones to preserve backwards compatibility) whenever it made sense.
> So here's the sort of query language I have in place now ("working" example):
>          AlertDefinitionTemplate template = new AlertDefinitionTemplate()
>                  .enabled(true)
>                  .description("description")
>                  .name("name")
>                  .priority(AlertPriority.MEDIUM)
>                  .alertProtocol(BooleanExpression.ANY);
>          // Set recovery rules
>          template.recovery()
>                  .disableWhenFired(false);
>          // Set dampening rules
>          template.dampening()
>                  .category(AlertDampening.Category.CONSECUTIVE_COUNT)
>                  .occurences(2);
>          // Add AlertConditions
>          template.addCondition(AvailabilityCondition.class)
>                  .availability(AlertConditionOperator.AVAIL_GOES_DOWN);
>          template.addCondition(AbsoluteValueCondition.class)
>                  .comparator(AlertConditionOperator.GREATER_THAN)
>                  .value(90.0)
>                  .metric(11465);
> Function names might not be consistent yet in all cases (I've tried to keep them short, but in some cases I couldn't think of very short descriptive one). There's no PR yet for this.
>     - Micke

I like the approach which will be perfect for the Remote API user. For 
the CLI, maybe creating a Javascript-friendly builder would be even better.

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