Please review pull request for "Bug 1004977 - Datasource configuration changes SHOULD NOT require a complete reload/restart of EAP"

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at
Wed Oct 8 16:07:12 UTC 2014


I've been fighting with the Datasource subsystem the last couple of days 
and eventually sent a pull request for "Bug 1004977 - Datasource 
configuration changes SHOULD NOT require a complete reload/restart of EAP"

Here's the commit summary.

"Enabled" attribute is no longer an editable configuration property (it 
will still be available on (xa-)datasource creation).
Instead, users will have to use the "Enable"/"Disable" operations.

"Enable"/"Disable" definitions have been changed to include a new 
"allow-resource-service-restart" property, defaulting to false.
If set to true, the corresponding management request header will be 
added. This allows to disable/enable a datasource without a server reload.

The datasource component update configuration logic has been enhanced to 
send only configuration changes. It requires an extra request
to read the current datasource config, but it avoids a server reload or 
datasource disable/enable cycle if the user only wants to
change a set of properties which do not require it.

Also, a new specific component class has been added for the datasources 
subsystem resource type. It used to be shared with the (xa-)datasource 
While in the beginning it probably was easier to have a single class for 
code sharing between the "Create Child Resource" process and the "Update 
Configuration Process",
the (xa-)datasource component logic has become quite complex so it's 
safer to have separate component classes.

Eventually, the plugin descriptor has been updated to document that some 
(xa-)datasource properties cannot be unset if they already have a value.

Would any one like to review? I'm currently writing new AS7 plugin 
itests for the datasource component and I'll hopefully push them tomorrow.


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