[checkstyle] extending checkstyle to xml files

Peter Palaga ppalaga at redhat.com
Thu Nov 27 16:22:55 UTC 2014

Hi *,

(I have just got accepted a PR [1] that makes checkstyle cover also test 
classes which is a topic independent from the present one.)

Although checkstyle is primarily focused on Java, it is possible to let 
it perform some basic checks (no tabs, no trailing whitespace) also on 
other file types, such as XML.

Question #1:
Is anybody against checking no tabs and trailing whitespace in xml files?

I have a working solution [2][3] for this, but it requires a change in 
the wildfly-checkstyle-config [4] artifact - an introduction of a 
default empty suppressions.xml file that will allow for overriding it in 
metrics submodules, e.g. in [5] and [6].

Question #2:
How do we want to introduce the change?
(a) fork wildfly-checkstyle-config or
(b) send a PR to wildfly-checkstyle-config

I vote for (a) because I find it very likely that we will want to 
diverge from wildfly-checkstyle-config in more things in the future.

And finally, if (a), then
Question #3:
How should our artifact be named?
The present name in my repo is rhq-checkstyle-config. But I guess, it 
should be used throughout the new alohomora family, hence a compatible 
name should be taken?



[1] https://github.com/rhq-project/rhq-metrics/pull/71
[4] https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-checkstyle-config

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