[rhq.metrics] Development Release Schedules

Michael Foley mfoley at redhat.com
Tue Nov 25 20:24:24 UTC 2014


" Nothing has been QE’d... ." .... so let's talk about this some more. 

Let me begin by asking: How would everyone like things QE'd? I am in listen mode. Please let me know! 

Here's an etherpad to capture your thoughts .... http://pad.engineering.redhat.com/QEforRHQ-Metrics 

Write anything you want, please (or email me). 

I added a few questions to prompt discussion. 

QE for RHQ-Metrics 

This is a free form etherpad to collect thoughts ..... just write anything 

Here's a few questions (in case people need a few questions to prompt discussion) 

    * Thoughts on Performance CI 

    * do we want to establish performance baselines? 

    * do we want to catch performance regressions? 

    * Thoughts on Bugzillas 

    * Does development want bugs for things that aren't working? 

    * Are there new Bugzilla categories/projects that need to be set up? 

    * How can we work together and keep track of defects ... but not build up a huge backlog of bugs? 

    * Thoughts on Provisioning 

    * Do we want a Docker container ...for easier portability to consumers? 

    * Do we want the IRC Chatbot to provision RHQ-Metrics? 

    * Do we want the release "stood up" in the cloud (ec2, etc..) for better community engagement and to facilitate feedback? 

    * Features 

    * When features are added, how do you want QE to engage? 

    * How will QE know what these features are? 

    * Collaboration tools -- if we use collaboration tools, we may be able to work better together (Dev and QE ... Community and Dev ..... Dev and any consumers of this code) 

    * Any interest in using shared tooling like Trello? https://trello.com/ 

    * btw, here is the existing QE Trello board for RHQ-Metrics https://trello.com/b/UbqJOMtK/rhq-metrics 

    * https://www.wunderlist.com/ 

    * http://www.rememberthemilk.com/ 

    * http://nirvanahq.com/ 

    * Any other collaboration tools to consider? 

    * Use-cases ... this helps QE 

    * what are the use-cases? 

    * As a [ ], I want to do [ ], for the benefit of [ ] 

    * How can Dev and QE work more closely togehter? 

    * Meeting invites? 

    * Inclusion in discussions? 

    * unit test development? 


Michael Foley 
QE Supervisor, JBoss Operations Network 

----- Original Message -----

From: "mike thompson" <mithomps at redhat.com> 
To: "rhq-devel" <rhq-devel at lists.fedorahosted.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 2:28:00 PM 
Subject: Re: [rhq.metrics] Development Release Schedules 

> On 25 Nov 2014, at 10:37, Heiko Braun <ike.braun at googlemail.com> wrote: 
> I think two weeks is too short if include some upfront clarification/review of the iteration goals and some time QE at the end. IMO 8 weeks is more reasonable. 

I guess I was making more of a distinction that we are dev mode right now. Start of a new project(s). Nothing has been QE’d. Right now, we are releasing about about every 4 weeks (but no real schedule). 
If you have something to commit in that 2 week window then it will become part of the release. If not, add it to another 2 week window. 

QE will have their own schedule for testing certain features and it will probably not be within the 2 week window. But these are development releases so that is fine. 

The product should be buildable and useable every release. Even if some piece is not working in the release, the consumer (of the project) can just keep using the previous release as a new release will happen in another 2 weeks. This way we early feedback with some of the newer features and make changes to them while they are still fresh. 

— Mike 

> /heiko.b 
>> On 25 Nov 2014, at 18:48, mike thompson <mithomps at redhat.com> wrote: 
>> What is going to be our strategy around development release schedules? 
>> 1) Release around features 
>> 2) Release every X weeks 
>> 3) Other 
>> If option #2 then how many weeks? 
>> My preference would be to release every 2 weeks so other projects can get stable releases as quickly as possible. 
>> I was asking this question specifically in relation to rhq-metrics but this would probably apply to all the rhq.next suite. 
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