upgrade to 4.11 has problem - should we create new db upgrade step?

John Mazzitelli mazz at redhat.com
Fri May 9 01:46:11 UTC 2014

OK, as you saw in my forum post and rhq-user email, I found a very bad problem if you did an upgrade from a previous version to 4.11.

I fixed it in master for future versions. But Jay had a point that needs to be discussed.

Read the BZ for what I did to fix and why: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1095970

Right now, those that upgraded to 4.11 have no recourse but to do a manual SQL rename of the bad sequence. I did NOT add a new db upgrade step because it doesn't help those that have the problem now. They will have to do a rename now via manual SQL. So adding a new db upgrade step is essentially useless to those people.

Because I fixed the original db upgrade step, those that wait to upgrade to 4.12 (when we release) won't have a problem. They will go from RHQ 4.10 (or previous) directly to 4.12, which means they will get the correct seq name due to my fix. The problem will only be with those that upgraded NOW to 4.11. (doesn't affect those that did a clean install of 4.11).

However, it does makes sense to create a new db upgrade step IF we want to immediately release a 4.11.1 - people who upgraded to 4.11 already could download 4.11.1, upgrade to it, and get the fixed sequence name. All this does is free them from having to do a manual SQL execution of the sequence rename.

Its not enough to say "well, what happens if they just wait to upgrade 4.12? How will they get fixed?" because they are dead in the water now (agents won't be able to register). So those people can't wait for however long for 4.12 to be released, their 4.11 just won't operation properly. They have to fix it now. So if we want to fix it "now" it has to be with a 4.11.1 release, or we just leave it as-is where the user has to issue the one manual SQL statement to rename the bad sequence.

Sorry, I dropped the ball on this one. I didn't do enough upgrade testing.

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