RHQ patches for 4.10

Elias Ross genman at noderunner.net
Tue Jan 28 20:19:39 UTC 2014

I have patches attached or in comments for the following issues:

Bug 1052390 - Agent NullPointerException (NPE) in
org.jboss.remoting.Client.invoke method
Bug 1053922 - Agent does not set HTTP connect or read timeout in JBoss remoting
Bug 738799 - deleting a group alertdef containing >1000 member
alertdefs fails with "SQLException: ORA-01795: maximum number of
expressions in a list is 1000" error
Bug 997609 - Drift cannot be updated with > 1000 resources; ORA-01795
Bug 1033943 - RFE: Allow setting of DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy for
supporting multiple datacenters
Bug 1031200 - Error rendering metrics chart; Attempt to compare null
values in queryResourceMetrics

I'm wondering if they could be put into 4.10 release?

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