Bug 840403 - (PRODMGT-454) the plugin for JBoss EAP 6 / AS 7 needs to support SSL/TLS encryption and authentication [INPUT NEEDED]

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at redhat.com
Wed Jan 22 17:47:43 UTC 2014


I've just pushed the initial implementation for Bug 840403 in a topic 

* I have manually tested different versions of AS7 / EAP6 in Standalone 
and Domain modes (including content upload).
* API check passes
* Client Certification authentication support is not implemented yet
* Only valid certificates or self-signed certificates (certificate chain 
size is 1) are supported now

AS7 plugin must be able to work with self-signed certificates and 
unknown certificate authorities (internal or not common). It also needs 
to be able to find a key store for client cert authentication.

I think Standalone and Domain server plugin configurations should let 
users define a key and a trust store for maximum customization.

I believe that, by default, self-signed certificates and unknown 
certificate authorities should not be trusted.

What do you think?


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