Firefox GWT Dev plugin End of Life

mike thompson mithomps at
Wed Feb 5 04:18:40 UTC 2014

This is not a surprise as we have had many conversations regarding this, however the time has arrived. So if you plan on doing GWT dev-mode work, keep an older version of Firefox around and disable the updates. [Chrome will be facing the same issue soon as well but it is not possible to stop the autoupdates in chrome (as far as I know)].
	   Ultimately, super dev mode is the replacement. We have some prototypes of super dev mode but still have some issues to iron out before use.

	  Here is the except from the GWT dev list....

Mozilla has stopped exporting some C++ symbols that the Firefox plugin 
relies on [1]. Therefore it's not possible to support Development Mode in 
any new versions of Firefox starting with 27.
As a workaround, I am doing one last release to get the plugin working 
again with Firefox 24.2 (and hopefully newer point releases on the ESR 
track). If you wish to continue to use Development Mode on Firefox, you 
will need to download this version from Mozilla [2]. For more details see 
the issue tracker [3]. 
Long-term, the plan is to improve Super Dev Mode.
I apologize for the late notice; when I said at GWT.create that Firefox 
could stop working with any release, I didn't expect it to be the next one.
- Brian

-- Mike

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