adoc, md or both?

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at
Thu Dec 4 20:13:59 UTC 2014

For me the inflection point was your remark about "two trailing spaces meaning 
<br/> in MD".

W. T. H.!

I'm not aware of such nonsense in Asciidoc. In fact, apart from table 
formatting strings, it is exceptionally easy to read in clear text.

I recently wrote quite a bit of Asciidoc and now actually prefer it over any 
rich text editors. After a while one doesn't really need any WYSIWYG because 
the formatting is very predictable and clear.

On Thursday, December 04, 2014 19:08:19 Peter Palaga wrote:
> Hi *,
> we have both adoc, and md READMEs in metrics ATM. Is anybody against
> preferring adoc and converting all present md files to adoc?
> Why AsciiDoc? AsciiDoc is richer than md and has about the same support
> on GitHub.
> -- P
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