Extract remote interfaces into own module

Jiri Kremser jkremser at redhat.com
Fri Aug 8 12:19:49 UTC 2014

  I think, it is a good idea. Other option to achieve the same effect would be to play a little bit with maven-jar-plugin. I mean, if we define 2 executions. One as it is (or we can filter out/exclude the Remote ifaces) and the new one with `<include>org/rhq/**/*Remote</include>`, it would create two jar files.

To be honest, it seems over complicated, I just wanted offer another solution, the original split you suggested seems simpler and cleaner.

| I think it could be good to move all the remote EJB-Interfaces (plus needed
| Pojo classes) into a separate maven module and package(*) that would then

What "needed Pojo classes" are we talking about? Everything should be in core/domain, right? Do you mean the classes referenced from the jdoc? Like exception, etc.?


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Heiko W.Rupp" <hrupp at redhat.com>
| To: "rhq-devel" <rhq-devel at lists.fedorahosted.org>
| Sent: Monday, August 4, 2014 10:39:03 PM
| Subject: Extract remote interfaces into own module
| Hey,
| I think it could be good to move all the remote EJB-Interfaces (plus needed
| Pojo classes) into a separate maven module and package(*) that would then
| form the remote interface that is e.g. used with the cli.
| Reasons
| - smaller remote interface package
| - EJB Beans and server side utilities stay server side and can't accidentally
| be used
| - Easier scoping of what is in the remote interface and what not
| - Easier application of e.g. checkstyle rules to only this module
| Wdyt?
|   Heiko
| *) Technically for compatibility reasons with the CLI it may be better to
| move the
| non-remote classes into a new package and keep the existing one for the
| Remote interfaces.
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