RHQ 4.9 released

John Sanda jsanda at redhat.com
Thu Sep 12 00:12:52 UTC 2013

The cassandra-env.sh script no longer ships with RHQ 4.9. On what platform/JRE are you running where you had to change the thread stack size. In both 4.8 and 4.9 the installer increases it to 240k if you are running OpenJDK with an arch that is one i386, amd64, or i686. I need to go back and check, but I want to say that the default size of 180k works fine with OpenJDK 7.

This release does not require Java 7. With respect to the storage node, extensive testing was done with Java 6.

I have not seen the AuthenticationException before when running the patch script. Did you by any chance make changes to the system_auth keyspace?

On Sep 11, 2013, at 7:48 PM, Elias Ross <genman at noderunner.net> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 3:26 PM, Elias Ross <genman at noderunner.net> wrote:
> Does this release require JDK 7?
> Actually another issue is JDK7u40 on x86_64 EL6, I get this:
> $ ./rhqctl start --storage
> Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF8
> 23:29:40,705 INFO  [org.jboss.modules] JBoss Modules version 1.2.0.CR1
> xss =  -ea -javaagent:./../lib/jamm-0.2.5.jar -XX:+UseThreadPriorities -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 -Xms512M -Xmx512M -Xmn128M -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xss180k
> Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF8
> The stack size specified is too small, Specify at least 228k
> Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
> ... Not good. I got rid of this Linux optimization in 'conf/cassandra-env.sh':
> if [ "`uname`" = "Linux" ] ; then
>     # reduce the per-thread stack size to minimize the impact of Thrift
>     # thread-per-client.  (Best practice is for client connections to
>     # be pooled anyway.) Only do so on Linux where it is known to be
>     # supported.
>     # u34 and greater need 180k
>     JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Xss180k"
> fi
> The other quirky things:
> $ ./rhq48-storage-patch.sh $HOME/rhq-server-4.8.0/ 9160 7299
> * You need a slash at the end of the directory name
> * The host IP or name needs to be indicated, even for localhost
> I'm also not sure about what this is:
>  INFO 23:41:34,580 Opening /home/e/cassandra/data/system/schema_keyspaces/system-schema_keyspaces-ib-10 (316 bytes)
> Waiting for RHQ Storage Node to start up...
> Running CQL script to disable table compression
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/e/rhq-server-4.8.0//rhq-storage/bin/cqlsh", line 2279, in <module>
>     main(*read_options(sys.argv[1:], os.environ))
>   File "/home/e/rhq-server-4.8.0//rhq-storage/bin/cqlsh", line 2265, in main
>     display_float_precision=options.float_precision)
>   File "/home/e/rhq-server-4.8.0//rhq-storage/bin/cqlsh", line 483, in __init__
>     cql_version=cqlver, transport=transport)
>   File "/home/e/rhq-server-4.8.0//rhq-storage/bin/../lib/cql-internal-only-1.4.0.zip/cql-1.4.0/cql/connection.py", line 143, in connect
>   File "/home/e/rhq-server-4.8.0//rhq-storage/bin/../lib/cql-internal-only-1.4.0.zip/cql-1.4.0/cql/connection.py", line 59, in __init__
>   File "/home/e/rhq-server-4.8.0//rhq-storage/bin/../lib/cql-internal-only-1.4.0.zip/cql-1.4.0/cql/thrifteries.py", line 157, in establish_connection
>   File "/home/e/rhq-server-4.8.0//rhq-storage/bin/../lib/cql-internal-only-1.4.0.zip/cql-1.4.0/cql/cassandra/Cassandra.py", line 455, in login
>   File "/home/e/rhq-server-4.8.0//rhq-storage/bin/../lib/cql-internal-only-1.4.0.zip/cql-1.4.0/cql/cassandra/Cassandra.py", line 476, in recv_login
> cql.cassandra.ttypes.AuthenticationException: AuthenticationException(why='org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.UnavailableException: Cannot achieve consistency level ONE')
> Fortunately, this is all just a test system... One thing I noticed it is very slow, so I hope next release you add back compression and keep it.
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