Bug 1011095 - Give created resources the name supplied by the user even if the managed object has no "name" attribute

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at redhat.com
Thu Oct 17 15:47:56 UTC 2013

On 10/17/2013 10:43 AM, Thomas Segismont wrote:
> Jay,
> Le 17/10/2013 15:44, Jay Shaughnessy a écrit :
>> The changes look thorough, I have a few comments:
>> - I'm not sure about the Async change on the server service, maybe mazz
>> can comment.  But even if you lose the async calling I think you don't
>> want to lose the guaranteed delivery.  So you may want to consider (I
>> think we allow this):
>>    @Asynchronous(value = false, guaranteedDelivery = true)
> As Mazz said, this does not exist. Anyway synchronous calls guarantee 
> the delivery.

OK, sound like an ok change, then.  Can you add a comment as to why it's 
not async?

>> - The check for isCreatable and then the subsequent name update code, I
>> think this can go above the entityManager.persist(resource);. Very
>> minor given everything else we do when merging a resource, but it could
>> save an update if we change the name.
> Right, I will update the changeset.
>> - minor, just wondering why in findMatchingCreateResourceHistory() you
>> create a query with order by, and not just a usual named query, avoiding
>> all the pageControl/Ordering field stuff.  There should only be at most
>> one result as resource keys are unique among a parent.
> #findMatchingCreateResourceHistory use the new 
> CreateResourceHistory.QUERY_FIND_BY_CHILD_RESOURCE_KEY named query.
> PersistenceUtility#createQueryWithOrderBy is used because I did not 
> want to load all the entities from the database. There could be more 
> than one entity with the same parentId and resource key (if you 
> deleted then created again a resource).

Good point.  I guess the query could be more specific by adding some 
inventory status conditions but this approach should work fine.

> Thomas
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