Bug 1011095 - Give created resources the name supplied by the user even if the managed object has no "name" attribute

John Mazzitelli mazz at redhat.com
Thu Oct 17 13:59:24 UTC 2013

> - I'm not sure about the Async change on the server service, maybe mazz can
> comment. But even if you lose the async calling I think you don't want to
> lose the guaranteed delivery. So you may want to consider (I think we allow
> this):
> @Asynchronous(value = false, guaranteedDelivery = true)

we do not allow for that - there is no synchronous, guaranteed delivery. Guaranteed delivery is only for asynchronous calls. Sync calls amount to just an in-line RPC call - you can wrap those with a try-catch block and retry them if you want.

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