Cassandra branch merging into master in the next couple of hours

John Sanda jsanda at
Fri May 31 03:23:36 UTC 2013

I have made a few changes that will hopefully address most of the pain points people encountered with the merge.

1) Running
This is no longer necessary. I was able to get the necessary artifacts uploaded in the JBoss nexus repo.

2) dbsetup issues
As I pointed out during the demo, the only time you really need to apply schema changes from the dbutils module for your dev-container is to apply updates to an existing db. There is no need to install a new schema since this will be done for you when you run rhqctl install; consequently, I have made the following changes in dbutils:

    * Cassandra schema changes are disabled by default
    * You have to set -Dstorage-schema to activate Cassandra schema changes
    * Cassandra schema changes are only applied when either the dbsetup-upgrade
      or dbreset property is set.

I think this will alleviate a lot of the problems people have encountered. Unlike postgres, we don't have a storage node up and running until we build the dev-container and then explicitly install the storage node. It therefore does not make much sense to try to apply schema changes to C* when running dbsetup.

3) hostname problems
The dev-container storage node relies on the storage node installer default for setting the storage node hostname. This is determined by invoking InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(). Depending on your hosts configuration, this probably returns something other than localhost. That has been the experience reported by multiple people. I have updated the dev-container build so that a hostname of is explicitly passed to the storage installer. This will hopefully resolve issues that people have been having.

Lastly, I have not updated any of the wiki docs yet. At this point I want to wait until we have these issues ironed out and have a consistent, repeatable build process. Thanks for everyone's patience.

- John

On May 30, 2013, at 4:06 PM, John Mazzitelli <mazz at> wrote:

> FYI: if you followed the instructions on the wiki ( ) things probably won't work. You can't build the very first time with -Ddbsetup (or -Pdev, I'm not sure).
> I put a blurb on the wiki about this. Jay will try to make this more robust for the first time builder. 
> ----- Original Message -----
>> Devs,
>> This is an FYI that we'll be merging the Cassandra branch into master
>> very soon.  If you have any reason to delay the merge please let us know
>> ASAP.
>> There will be impact to your dev environments as presented in
>> yesterday's demo.  If you missed the demo you can watch the elluminate
>> recording: (note: the demo ran long due (1' 45") due to various discussions)
>> In short, you should do the following from your RHQ root (and add any db
>> profile that applies to your env):
>> 1) ** BEFOREYOU PULL **
>> Clean your environment from the root:   > mvn clean -Pdev,enterprise
>> 2) Pull
>> 3) Build the forked versions of Cassandra components that we currently
>> need: > ./
>> 4) Rebuild everything: > mvn -Pdev,enterprise -DskipTests
>>     4a) Your build may stop at dbutils due to dbversion not being up to
>> date.  If so:
>>> cd modules/core/dbutils
>>> mvn -Ddbsetup -Pdev
>>> resume your full build
>> 5) Move to your dev-container bin directory
>>    NOTE: If you are in Windows you'll want to refer to the wikis at
>> this point, there are windows specifics you need to know.
>> 6) Use rhqctl to install:  > ./rhqctl install
>> At this point you should have a dev environment Storage Node, Server and
>> Agent running in the background.  You can start/stop/status these with
>> rhqctl, supplying --storage|--server|--agent as optional params.
>> The following wiki pages exist to help (and there ares some Windows
>> specifics in here if you are on Windows):
>> The Control Script:
>> Advanced Build Notes:
>> ******* Please help us improve the wikis as needed.  If you run into any
>> problems please as on #rhq **********
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