Database monitoring and connection pooling

Elias Ross genman at
Tue May 28 19:35:31 UTC 2013

The database plugin does not use connection pooling. I think the idea
is that the Resource (Oracle/MySQL/etc.) holds a single connection and
provides it to sub-resources. Say if you are monitoring a database
table or number of users logged in you call this API:

public interface DatabaseComponent<T extends ResourceComponent<?>>
extends ResourceComponent<T> {
    Connection getConnection();
    void removeConnection();

Problems arise with multiple threads. Are connections useable across
multiple threads? Meaning, if an availability check runs and also a
metric collection runs, both threads may be hitting the same
connection. This should be okay in theory, but there are many
potential pitfalls, including dealing with commit/rollback, resource
leaking, etc.

The other problem is, contrary to what the API implies, you would not
want to close the connection by calling 'removeConnection', because
what that would cause is interference with other threads' work. In
practice (looking at the code), removeConnection is called when an
error happens, not when done with running a query.

The solution I suggest is:
1) Implement the generic database plugin using a database connection
pool. BoneCP is my suggestion. It is very small and simple. I would
simply hard-code some defaults in there and add some basic logging.
2) Deprecate 'removeConnection' or remove it entirely (API breakage)
3) Update the (Java) documentation.
4) Update mysql, oracle plugins to remove the connection once obtained
through 'getConnection'.


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