master broken

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Wed Mar 27 12:57:16 UTC 2013

Once I merged master into a local branch I have, the server started getting errors. I think its due to the dependency changes in the poms:

Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/collections/SetUtils
	at org.quartz.JobDetail.<init>( [quartz-1.6.5.jar:1.6.5]
	at org.rhq.enterprise.server.scheduler.EnhancedSchedulerImpl.createJobDetail( [rhq-enterprise-server-ejb3.jar:4.7.0-SNAPSHOT]

Anything that needs to run a quartz job will fail.

I'll see if I can fix this - but wanted to bring this up if you pull master and try to run a build from it.

If anyone has any ideas how this broke and how to fix let me know - otherwise, I'm goin' in and if I'm not back in an hour, call for help :}

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