reverting commit

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Tue Mar 26 16:28:21 UTC 2013

[Ian - feel free to commit this back in a branch (not master) and create a BZ for this. We'll cherry pick in master at the appropriate time.]

Its been requested that we revert commit df18b71df2d5114d9edc8a26ad42e0d7a9036eb2:

    "do not pass not-yet-fully-initialized "this" reference to GroupOperationHistory.addResourceOperationHistory() in ResourceOperationHistory's constructor, as the GWT compiler fails when it sees this (at least in my OS X 10.7.5, Oracle JDK 1.7.0_17 environment)"
We are reverting for a couple reasons:    

    * This broke a jenkins build - an API change has been introduced and it therefore fails the API check job. (I think its due to a change in a public domain object's constructor). Keep in mind that for awhile now we have a jenkins job that runs to make sure there are no backward compatible changes to public APIs - if it detects one, the build will fail. In this case, it appears a public domain object's constructor was changed thus breaking that API check.

    * Also, There is no BZ for this - we don't know what this addressed. Please make sure BZs are written before committing bug fixes so they can be tracked appropriately.

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