remoting dependency upgraded - rebuild may be necessary

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Fri Mar 15 20:21:23 UTC 2013

I just completed

This is the upgrading of our JBoss/Remoting 2 dependency - we were on 2.2 but we are now on 2.5.4.SP4. The purpose of this is to provide better IPv6 support (plus, I think it helps further prepare us to move to Remoting 3 which we *may* have to do in the future).

I think this change is going to require you to do a rebuild of your container. For example, a new remoting servlet needed to be deployed in the EAR (we have a new Remoting WAR module that takes the place of a patched version of the old Remoting WAR that we were using).

So, if you see any odd behavior with agent<->server communications, first thing to do is do a rebuild of both server and agent.

I ran all unit tests and integration test and all pass. I tested sslservlet, servlet, sslsocket and socket protocols on server and agent and things work.

I also ran the CLI and confirmed that that can talk to the server over port 7080 and 7443 (I didn't see a place where you can tell CLI to go over an SSL transport, I assumed if I told it to go over port 7443, it knew to go over the secure transport, because it works. But what happens if a customer changes the 7443 port to something else? how does the CLI know it should go over a secure port? i don't know).

So, I touched all the normal places and things all look to be working.

If you see any problems wrt low level communications even after a full rebuild, submit a BZ immediately.

That is all.
John Mazz

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