Dependency Versions - Makeover

Stefan Negrea snegrea at
Fri Mar 15 15:44:34 UTC 2013

Hello Everybody,

There is very little consistency in RHQ on where maven plugins and dependencies versions are located. Today we have every single possible variation allowed by maven. With a project of our size this is big problem because of possible conflicts between dependencies. Having versions all over the place leads to duplication and sometimes use of the same dependency but with different version in submodules. This is hard to manage to say the least...

This is how versions are declared/used today:
1) Everything in the room pom:

2) In the root pom but the versions as a property:
the property:

and then the dependency:

3) In a submodule (eg. modules/enterprise/server/ear)  but use the property from root pom:
property in project root pom:

and then sub-module pom:

4) Everything in a submodule (eg. modules/enterprise/server/ear):

5) No version at all, inherited from parent poms (eg. modules/enterprise/server/jar):

For some dependencies/plugins all 5 variations are used at the same time!!!

My proposal is to use just two patterns for declaring versions going forward:
1) Property in room pom:

and then use the property everywhere else:

2) Where applicable, no version at all in submodule pom but inherit from parent poms:

I really like option 2 but it might not be applicable everywhere since a sub-module might be the only one using/requiring that dependency. 

I would like to updated all the poms before the github migration due to the repository split (core, plugins, helpers). It will be easier to make the changes now and we will start on github with something consistent across all three projects. 

Any thoughts? Any other ideas on how to solve this?

Thank you,
Stefan Negrea

Software Engineer

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