RHQ/Cassandra architecture

Michael Foley mfoley at redhat.com
Mon Mar 11 23:27:20 UTC 2013

I am +1 on your approach -- adding an rhq-uber script, and leaving the existing shell scripts alone. It seems an approach that would add new functionality ...without risk of unintended regressions in existing scripts. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "John Sanda" <jsanda at redhat.com> 
To: rhq-devel at lists.fedorahosted.org 
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 5:49:12 PM 
Subject: RHQ/Cassandra architecture 

There has been a lot of discussion recently around how RHQ and Cassandra should co-exist. The decision has been made to proceed with the following, 

* Installing RHQ server will also install Cassandra and agent by default. 
* Advanced options will be available to install RHQ server by itself or just Cassandra and agent. 
* Managing/monitoring Cassandra will be done via the agent. 
* Starting/stopping the server will by default start/stop everything that is installed on the machine. 

Rather than changing existing scripts like rhq-server.sh to provide this augmented functionality, what do you think about an rhq-uber script (e.g., rhq.sh) that handles these changes? If I execute, 

$ rhq.sh start 

The the script will start Cassandra, the server, and the agent, assuming a default installation. The nice thing about this is that if the user only wants to start/stop the server, he can instead directly use the already familiar rhq-server.sh script; however the uber script would also provide that capability as well. Maybe something like, 

$ rhq.sh start --server-only 

The new script would provide for centralized command and control of everything installed on the box. 

- John 
rhq-devel mailing list 
rhq-devel at lists.fedorahosted.org 

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