Bug 957689 - Unable to complete tasks when server is shutdown

Elias Ross genman at noderunner.net
Thu Jun 27 14:45:15 UTC 2013

I think what would help enormously is if the server came also as an RPM
that just worked out of the box, basically built to either start the
server(s) with some sensible defaults, or if installed over an existing
install use those settings. Having the RPM spit out some useful
instructions would be nice.

I know there is resistance to having an RPM version, but having at least
one easy install path helps. Just the act of copying a file to a host or
multiple, unzipping, setting perms etc. is busywork sysadmins want to avoid.

2013年6月27日木曜日 Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com:

> Am 26.06.2013 um 15:15 schrieb Thomas Segismont:
> >
> > Le 26/06/2013 15:06, John Mazzitelli a écrit :
> >> Is there a wiki or something that explains why the restart is
> necessary? Or can you explain? I'm wondering if there is some CLI command
> we can make to force the server to inject the new code without needing a
> restart.
> That DUP is already in what the user unzips - right?
> And we have rhqctl install doing some work for installing C* and then
> starting the server.
> Can't that installer code just in between put the DUP into the right place
> ?
> Couldn't the DUP be placed in a module that is installed and on which the
> ear module depends on?
>  Just some ideas..
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