Bug 957689 - Unable to complete tasks when server is shutdown

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at redhat.com
Tue Jun 25 15:33:53 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,

I just push the fix for Bug 957689 - Unable to complete tasks when 
server is shutdown [1].

Every point discussed in the wiki page [2] is implemented.

Please reply if you still see any weird exception when shutting down RHQ 

With this commit, the services-sar module is still part of the build 
although it no longer deploys any service bean.

If you all agree we can get rid of it.



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Commit details
commit adedcb46e352d6fb08a43352447b748b9459c899
Author: Thomas Segismont <tsegismo at redhat.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 6 22:56:11 2013 +0200

     Bug 957689 - Unable to complete tasks when server is shutdown

     Inject the NoTxRHQDS as a @Resource in the ShutdownListener
     Convert SAR services into @Singleton beans
     Tweak RHQ EAR deployment with a set of DeploymentUnitProcessor classes

     EAR modules now deployed in order
     RHQ Startup Subsystem installs a DUP which make the 
ShutdownListener bean automatically depend on all other session beans.

[2] https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/RHQ/Shutdown+process+on+AS7

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