Rename manageRootDir property in bundles

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at
Fri Jul 26 01:15:03 UTC 2013

Larry, those were two different solution options.  The first was adding 
'overlay' and overlayRoot', the second was consolidating those two 
options with just a single 'wipe' attribute.

On 7/25/2013 5:36 PM, Larry O'Leary wrote:
> It isn't clear to me why three attributes in introduced in total when
> all work is done. Couldn't you just get away with wipe on its own or
> overlay and overlayRootDir without the need for wipe?
> On Thu, 2013-07-25 at 16:28 +0200, Lukas Krejci wrote:
>> Based on the feedback gathered in this email thread and in the comments of the
>> BZs and
>>, I think the path forward
>> is quite clear.
>> 1) We need to deprecate manageRootDir, but still understand it for backwards
>> compatibility.
>> 2) New bundles will be required to have a new attribute (with NO default, so
>> that we force people to be explicit about the choice) that will express the
>> "cleaning" behavior of the bundle deployment. Or they can specify the
>> deprecated manageRootDir.
>> 3) We should not introduce any new type of bundle destination handling before
>> the new provisioning (to reduce the complexity of impl. and amount of bugs
>> we'd introduce in RHQ 4.9.0).
>> 4) The new attribute(s) must lay the groundwork for future addition of more
>> types of destination dir management (namely the RPM-like behavior)
>> 5) The behavior of manageRootDir must be expressable using the new attibute(s)
>> and the implementation should initially support ONLY the values that
>> correspond to manageRootDir.
>> We've had a couple of ideas for the new attribute(s) (that express the
>> complete set of possible destination cleaning behaviors):
>> 1) Based on
>> Two new attributes called "overlay" and "overlayRootDir" with the below
>> specified semantics:
>> If only manageRootDir is in the recipe:
>>   manageRootDir | Action
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     false       | same as overlay=false + overlayRootDir=true
>>     true        | same as overlay=false + overlayRootDir=false
>> Otherwise:
>>   overlay | overlayRootDir |  Action
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>    unspec |     unspec     | ERROR, we want to be explicit, CHANGED FROM THE BZ
>>    unspec |     false      | Strict bundle structure
>>    unspec |     true       | Like legacy manageRootDir=false
>>    false  |     unspec     | Strict bundle structure
>>    false  |     false      | Strict bundle structure
>>    false  |     true       | Like legacy manageRootDir=false
>>    true   |     unspec     | Overlay existing files, no deletions (new!)
>>    true   |     false      | Strict bundle root dir, overlay subdir files
>> (new!)
>>    true   |     true       | Overlay existing files, no deletions (new!)
>> Initially only the following combinations of overlay and overlayRootDir would
>> be supported:
>> overlay | overlayRootDir
>> ------------------------
>> unspec  | false
>> unspec  | true
>> false   | false
>> false   | true
>> 2) Based on
>> One new attribute called "wipe" with the below semantics:
>> manageRootDir=true                   : wipe="everything"
>> manageRootDir=false                  : wipe="subdirectories"
>> overlay=false & overlayRootDir=false : wipe="everything"
>> overlay=false & overlayRootDir=true  : wipe="subdirectories"
>> overlay=true  & overlayRootDir=false : wipe="onlyRoot"
>> overlay=true  & overlayRootDir=true  : wipe="nothing"
>> Initially, we'd only support the "everything" and "subdirectories" values for
>> wipe (i.e. the ones corresponding to manageRootDir) and would require that
>> exactly one of manageRootDir or wipe attributes be present on the deployment
>> unit.
>> 3) A simple renaming of 2) to be less "cheeky" and maybe even slightly more
>> clear:
>> wipe = destinationCleaning with values: "everything", "commonSubirectories",
>> "onlyRootDirectory", "nothing"
>> On Tuesday, July 23, 2013 09:29:21 Lukas Krejci wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> In BZ 801464 (and 801926)
>>> (, we're discussing the
>>> problems of manageRootDir property on the deployment units in bundles.
>>> We have decided to take 2 actions on it:
>>> 1) A short term remedy to prevent people from shooting themselves in the
>>> foot 2) A long term overhaul of how bundles work to make them more similar
>>> to RPM/APT so that people are less surprised by the behavior.
>>> I won't discuss 2) here because there will be plenty of opportunities to do
>>> that later when we start concentrating on it, but I'd like to discuss 1)
>>> with you.
>>> As the subject suggests, one of the things we intend to do is to rename the
>>> manageRootDir property to something that more clearly expresses the true
>>> meaning of the setting. The other thing that we want to do is to make the
>>> parameter mandatory so that people are forced to think about the value to
>>> put in there when creating a new bundle (this will only affect the upload
>>> of new bundles. The system will be able to revert to bundle versions that
>>> are already uploaded).
>>> So the one thing I'm gathering input for is the new name for manageRootDir.
>>> But what manageRootDir (which defaults to true) really means? If it is true
>>> (the default), the bundle deployer will delete any and all files
>>> (recursively) in the destination directory before deploying the bundle
>>> files into it. This means that it is guaranteed that the bundle destination
>>> only contains the bundle files. When manageRootDir is false, it means that
>>> that the files and directories at directly under the destination directory
>>> are left intact - this means that the bundle deployer will only overwrite
>>> the files that are also part of the bundle and, also, will replace any
>>> directories that are present in the bundle with the contents from the
>>> bundle - this means that the sub-directories are always wiped to conform to
>>> the contents of the bundle - there is currently no way of overriding that
>>> (and we don't search for a mechanism to provide that in this email).
>>> There already have been some suggestions for the new name:
>>> manageRootDir=true
>>> could also be expressed like:
>>> manageDestDirFully=true
>>> doNotTouchTopLevelDirectoriesFoundInDestDirButNotFoundInBundle=false
>>> ignoreTopLevelDirectoriesInDestDirButNotFoundInBundle=false
>>> cleanTopLevelDirectoriesFoundInDestDirAndNotFoundInBundle=true
>>> bundleToManageAllTopLevelDirectoriesInDestDir=true
>>> manageAllTopLevelDirectoriesInDestDir=true
>>> I'll add a couple of suggestions, too:
>>> cleanDestinationFully=true
>>> wipeDestinationDir=true
>>> alsoWipeUnmanagedFilesAndDirectoriesInDestination=true
>>> Which of the above do you think expresses the best what manageRootDir does?
>>> Do you have some other suggestions for the name?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Lukas
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