Rename manageRootDir property in bundles

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at
Tue Jul 23 15:51:58 UTC 2013


I'm not sure we should actually rename manageRootDir. Alternatively, I 
wonder if whether we should deprecate its use and introduce new 
attributes.  Meaning, if manageRootDir is present and the new attributes 
are not, then use it just like we do today.  But if the new attributes 
exist then move to the new model.  I like your "overlay" attribute  
proposal in :

But since it didn't cover all of the use cases, I extended your proposal in:

My suggestion as of right now would maybe be to add those attributes but 
simply not support the "overlay=true" setting.  That would be a future 
requiring perhaps some major impl work to cover the RFE's use case.  So, 
perhaps using these new attributes would only be smart if we think that 
future impl is doable.

On 7/23/2013 11:07 AM, Thomas Segismont wrote:
> Le 23/07/2013 16:32, Alan Santos a écrit :
>> manageDestDirFully=true
>>> doNotTouchTopLevelDirectoriesFoundInDestDirButNotFoundInBundle=false
>>> ignoreTopLevelDirectoriesInDestDirButNotFoundInBundle=false
>>> cleanTopLevelDirectoriesFoundInDestDirAndNotFoundInBundle=true
>>> bundleToManageAllTopLevelDirectoriesInDestDir=true
>>> manageAllTopLevelDirectoriesInDestDir=true
>>> I'll add a couple of suggestions, too:
>>> cleanDestinationFully=true
>>> wipeDestinationDir=true
>>> alsoWipeUnmanagedFilesAndDirectoriesInDestination=true
> How about purgeDestinationDirBeforeDeploy
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