deploying additional storage nodes

Larry O'Leary loleary at
Fri Jul 19 21:40:47 UTC 2013

On Thu, 2013-07-18 at 21:37 -0400, John Sanda wrote:
> I noticed that one of my previous emails had some typos which might
> have caused some confusion; so, I want to clarify to make a point
> perfectly clear. We neither want nor expect JON users/admins to be
> Cassandra admins. I will take that a step further though. We want to
> be able to black box Cassandra in such a way the JON users do not even
> have to know that Cassandra is running. They just know that RHQ/JON
> has this additional component called a Storage Node.
> With respect to the concerns around complexity in this thread, I think
> some things got lost in the details. We *are* moving in a direction of
> less and not more complexity. Prior to starting this discussion, I
> thought that the storage installer would need to be updated to either
> directly query the database or make a call to the server over the
> remote APIs (the same ones used by the CLI). And both of those changes
> would entail some user-facing to the installer, albeit minor ones.
> But now the work I had already started planning for one of the
> aforementioned approaches, simply isn't needed. Any storage installer
> changes will be minor and implementation only. And the details I have
> described for option 3, are all things that are either already
> implemented or are already in the pipeline to be done for RHQ 4.9.
> Unless the user wants/needs to use non-defaults port for the initial
> storage node, he can simply run rhqctl install. Nothing else needed.
> And if the user wants to install an additional storage nodes, all he
> will need to do is run rhqctl install --storage. This is assuming he
> only wants to install another storage node. You are not required to
> install an additional RHQ Server as well. If he wants to install both
> a storage node and a server, then he can just run rhqctl install
> (without any options). The server and agent(s) will take care of
> everything else.
> In terms of how we install and configure Cassandra, believe me when I
> say it is nothing fancy :) What we do for production is the same thing
> we do for automated tests that run every day and for the
> dev-container. We unzip Cassandra and update a couple config files.
> That's it.
> - John
> _

John, thank you for this clarification.

Larry O'Leary

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