Enterpriser Server Jar Naming - Fix

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at redhat.com
Thu Jul 18 15:15:21 UTC 2013

On 7/18/2013 11:09 AM, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
> Am 18.07.2013 um 16:48 schrieb John Mazzitelli:
>> As to why we need "startup":
> So only rhq-startup ?

I think rhq-server-startup module.
>> that is simply duplicating virtually the same name as the EJB3 jar (which is now rhq-server.jar). And if you want confusion, do that and then tell people "go look at the server jar".
> Well I guess people are already confused because the rhq.ear is inside that.
> We could also move the ear to $RHQSERVER/rhq-deploy/ and tell the deplyoment scanner while installing to
> also scan that directory.
> This should also help a lot with the length of paths.
> Also all those rhq-downloads could also be put next to the rhq.ear
> I mean now is a good point in time for such changes

To reduce churn, I'm fine with the current approach, just a change to 
the module name.   I'm on Windows and am not suffering from the long 
path issue in my dev container (c:\work\rhq\dev-container\...) or my 
production installs (c:\app\rhq\rhq-server-<version>\...).

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