Enterpriser Server Jar Naming - Fix

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at redhat.com
Thu Jul 18 15:07:02 UTC 2013

On 7/18/2013 10:48 AM, John Mazzitelli wrote:
>> If you want to shorten the module name I don't know why we need "startup".
>> Why not just org/rhq/rhq-server/main/rhq-server-4.8.0.jar, for example?
> Because this isn't the server jar - which historically has been the EJB3 jar. It would be utterly confusing to have:

OK, thanks for the explanation.  Keep "startup" in the name.

> rhq-server.jar (which is the EJB3 jar - the server/jar module)
> and
> rhq-server-4.8.0.jar (which is the startup module extension).
> As to why we need "startup":
> To be clear, what this "server-startup" thing is is a JBossAS7 extension subsystem. The jar is really small - all it has is some startup classes that are used by JBossAS7's bootstrap mechanism. It is what "starts up RHQ". This is why "startup" is in the name. This is the thing that actually deploys rhq.ear when the server starts up. Without it, RHQ doesn't even initialize.
> Yes, it has the ear inside of it, under a subdirectory under the module main directory. But the module (and the jar itself) is literally startup code. Putting the name "startup" in it was a way to denote what this module does. It "starts up" RHQ.
> If people don't like the word "startup", pick something else - "deployer", "bootstrap", "pink-polkadots", whatever you want. But do NOT name it just "rhq-server" because that is simply duplicating virtually the same name as the EJB3 jar (which is now rhq-server.jar). And if you want confusion, do that and then tell people "go look at the server jar".
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