HA deployments

Larry O'Leary loleary at redhat.com
Wed Jul 17 15:23:19 UTC 2013

On Wed, 2013-07-17 at 10:39 +0200, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
> Am 17.07.2013 um 04:56 schrieb John Sanda:
> > If an RHQ deployment is running multiple RHQ servers, each server needs to be able to talk to the RHQ relational database. If a machine is only running a storage node (and agent), is it reasonable and acceptable to require that the storage node machine be able to connect to the relational database as well?
> I would try to avoid it -- we are already opening huge amounts of ports and should try to minimize that as much as possible.
I agree. It should avoided if possible. Why would the storage node need
to connect to a relational database?
Larry O'Leary

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