Sigar getProcState bug on other platforms?

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at
Mon Jan 28 11:13:17 UTC 2013


Last week I may have found a bug in Sigar[1]. I think it does not only 
affect Linux amd64 so I ask for your help to determine on which other 
platforms it may be present.

I pushed a very simple project on GitHub[2]. You can fork it or simply 
download source zip file.

Then open a terminal, go to the project directory and run:
# mvn clean package
# java -cp target/sigar/sigar.jar:target/classes/ test/ProcStateTest

If it runs silently then your platform may not be affected. Otherwise, 
can you send me the error message and your platform type.

Of course if you think it's not a Sigar bug and that I missed something 
please tell me. I had no response in Sigar user forum so far.

Thanks for your help!



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