changes for OOB calculations

John Sanda jsanda at
Fri Jan 25 03:03:13 UTC 2013

The current implementation for calculating OOBs involves a complex query that reads the 1hr metric data table to get data from the last hour. Since the metric data tables, including the 1 hr table, are being ported to Cassandra, the implementation for calculating OOBs necessarily has to change. Even with CQL querying in Cassandra is significantly different than SQL. First and foremost, there are no joins. Stefan and I have been reviewing some different design options and wanted to solicit feedback.

* Option 1 - Leverage existing indexes we already put in place to get 1hr data
We already have some indexes in place in the Cassandra design that we could leverage to get the 1hr data.

Does not require any additional schema changes and avoids the overhead of updating and maintaining an additional index. Minimizes changes to the code base for calculating OOBs as well calculating baselines and aggregates.

Fetching the 1hr data will involve multiple queries to Cassandra. In terms of performance this is suboptimal and could become a performance issue as the number of schedules that have 1hr data for the previous hour increases.

* Option 2 - Put a new index in place
We could implement a new index that optimizes querying for 1hr data from the previous hour.

The index will allow us to much more efficiently load all of the data with a single query. Additional queries would only be necessary for paging the data but with row caching enabled, after the initial read subsequent reads will come directly from memory making them very fast. Not as many code changes required to support this as compared to the latter options.

The index would be implemented as custom index which means another column family/table to maintain. This means that when we insert new data into the 1hr table, we have to also update the index. The index will take up additional disk space and will divert CPU cycles away from Cassandra doing other work. The querying will be substantially faster that option 1, but loses out to options 3 and 4.

option 3 - Altogether avoid querying for 1hr data
OOBs are calculated when the data purge job runs. Prior to OOBs, aggregates, and baselines are calculated. As stefan astutely pointed out, we already have the 1hr data in memory that is needed for calculating the OOBs.

Avoids the query/index overhead of options 1 and 2.

Will require a good deal of implementation change. The code that currently generates aggregates basically does it one big batch operation. The same holds with the Cassandra implementation. We need to have that code return the generated 1hr aggregates so that it can be made available to MeasurementOOBManagerBean. That is simple enough; however, the simple approach is not a scalable approach. As the number of schedules increases so does the number of 1hr aggregates that we are holding onto in memory. A safer solution is to do it in chunks. First, we generate aggregates for the first N schedules and pass those results onto MeasurementOOBManagerBean, then repeat for the next N schedules, and so on. This will involve a fair amount of change and like options 1 and 2, all of the work (aggregation, baseline, OOBs) is still done serially in a single thread unlike option 4.

option 4: Altogether avoid querying for 1hr data and do calculations concurrently
The primary difference between this and option 3 is that this one would be implemented with message passing. Since we currently cannot use CDI due to portal-war that means JMS. Once portal-war is gone, then it would be worth considering CDI events with EJB async methods for a more lightweight approach.

Avoids the query/index overhead of options 1 and 2. Components will be more granular and very loosely coupled, making it easier to write unit tests. It is difficult to write tests for some of the existing metrics code in part because automated tests were not written along side that code. This approach provides much better throughput than the other options as well as the existing implementation. To illustrate, suppose the container maintains a pool of 10 threads to run MDBs. If there is enough work to do during a given run of the data purge job, we can easily pipeline it to utilize those threads resulting in a higher level of throughput that will help us keep us with those larger inventories that produce lots of metrics and provided the impetus to migrate our metrics storage to Cassandra in the first place. Lastly, the JMS solution should scale very nicely for those users who run multiple RHQ servers.

Of all the options this involves the most implementation change. I am not up to speed on the pros/cons with JMS in AS 7, but that is something we would definitely have to consider. I am not sure what if any issues there are with JMS and Arquillian. If JMS functionality is not well supported with Arquillian then automated integration testing will be more challenging. If this turns out to be the case, the CDI events + asyn EJB approach might be more favorable.

- John

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