Creating a new mixed group from the bundle deployment wizzard

Jiri Kremser jkremser at
Mon Jan 21 15:00:52 UTC 2013

  this issue is based on bug 845363. The problem is that if user creates a mixed group from the wizzard when creating a new bundle deployment. The new group is not populated in the available groups. It is obviously caused by the assumption on bundle deployments that only compatible groups with a resource type supporting the bundle deployment.

I would propose the solution: if user tries to create a new group from that wizzard, it doesn't allow it if the conditions are not met (mixed or res. type don't support depl.), and user is notified why it is so.

In the code it would mean changes in GetDestinationStep.QuickGroupCreateWizard (1 new method) and 1 new method on BundleGWTService and BundleManager (taking the set of resource ids and checking the conditions).


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