
Charles Crouch ccrouch at redhat.com
Tue Jan 15 17:02:48 UTC 2013

An analysis of logstash I came across from a different effort...

Logstash [1] is an open source project to collect and process logs. Log is defined as timestamped blobs of data. Logstash consists of three different parts: inputs, filers and outputs. The inputs collect information from different sources. The examples of the inputs are amqp, zeromq, syslog, files etc. The inputs are responsible for getting data from the source and doing some initial structuring. The filters do the processing and transformation of the data. The most powerful filter is grok. Grok does smart regex matching. It allows to define regex patters by giving them names and then combining names patters into more complex patters. As a result the configuration of the regex rules become more manageable. Grok comes with multiple pre created rules that can be used for log parsing. Filters can be combined and stacked. Outputs define where the result needs to go. It can go in a file, email, sent as a message, stored in a database or visualized by a dashboard graphical tool like graphite. There are dozens of outputs. 

Logstash is configured via a config file that resembles a puppet manifest. It is pretty simple to write and understand. One of the design goals of logstash is to make getting up to speed extremely simple and they are pretty successful with that. 

Logstash is written in Ruby. To avoid issues with dependencies the whole stack is delivered as one jar file. 

Logstash can be used for local processing of the log data and for remote, consolidated processing. Current Logstash documentation suggests the following architecture: 

The nodes where the logs are collected should have a Logstash instance that would collect the data locally and ship over the network. In the past they recommended AMQP but due to perceived complexity of setting it up they recommend Redis [2] now. Redis is a key-value store that also provides a publish-subscribe interface. Such combination makes it a good storage for consolidation of the information from different sources. The central instance of Logstash can get a consolidated feed from Redis and do the processing. One of the built in outputs is called “elasticsearch” [3]. Elasticsearch is a search engine that takes in JSON and does automatic indexing of the data. It is based on the Lucene technology and querying mechanism. 

Logstash allows for horizontal scalability.

[1] http://logstash.net/docs/1.1.9/ 

[2] http://redis.io/ 

[3] http://www.elasticsearch.org/ 

----- Original Message -----
> ----- Original Message -----
> > https://speakerdeck.com/obfuscurity/the-state-of-open-source-monitoring
> This mentions "logstash" - http://logstash.net/
> Just a very brief read of their home page, and it makes me wonder if
> we should integrate this as our log/event subsystem?
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