Discrepancy between REST and remote API

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Mon Jan 14 16:50:32 UTC 2013


it took me a while to think through your email(s) and I think I misunderstood 
especially the first one. 

Before I continue let me first point out why the REST-api matters a lot to me:

    The users of RHQ are (supposed to be) administrators that want to manage
    the servers and systems in their data center. They need to integrate RHQ
    with other existing systems like trouble ticket systems or existing dashboards.
    Many if not all those administrators write shell, perl, Ruby or Python scripts
    fluently as part of their daily work. They usually do not write Java code.
    And all of those languages have http clients and can thus access the REST-api.
    A Rest-api can also be accessed from clients e.g. on an iPad that are written in 

While I see the discrepancy between Rest and Ejb-Api, I do not think that
users will be confused as we also offer different functionality in the UI and
the CLI.

> We could deprecate the remote EJB API, but I'd find it quite sad. If we based 
> REST on remote API right from start, we could have had 2 interfaces to RHQ for 
> free

This is only partially true, as some of the code (take the AlertDefinitionManagerRemote
as example) of the Remote-Api is not enough to support the current developments
in the Rest-Api. So adding more methods ("the same as in the Rest-api", but see below)
in the Remote-Api would be possible, but would also require more testing of that
code path, which is doable, but not free. On top of that, some methods of the
internal api are hard to use as I had to learn over the previous days, so just exposing
those internal methods to all remote clients will not be enough either.

> For this I think that ideally REST should exclusively use the remote EJBs to 
> achieve its thing 

I originally understood this in a way that the Rest-Api should only use the existing 
Remote-Api; this would clearly not work as the Remote-Api is not rich enough as just

The other way around (exposing all Rest-Api methods via @Remote) would not
work either, as technical parameters that are needed in the Rest-Api (http-headers,
uri info, ..) would not be available via Remote Ejb-interfaces and also the 'Response'
return type that contains payload + additional information like is the response cacheable
or should it be gzipped on the transport layer etc. would not make a lot of sense on 
the Ejb-side.
On top of that is that due to the nature of the Jax-RS setup, entities are marshaled into
the actual data that is transported over http, at the web-layer and thus outside of the
boundaries of EJB-Transactions and the entity manager. This means that the domain
objects as they stand will throw lazy-load exceptions or need to be "pre-filled". We do
have the SerialUtility for this purpose in the direction of the UI, that could be used.
When I started the  Rest-effort I have decided against the core-domain objects for those 

- be on the save side wrt lazy loading (may be void with the serial utility)
- be able to cut "rest-domain" objects in a way that possible is better suited to be
  exposed via the rest-api. Take for example our Resource object, that has many
  relations to many other objects. Some of that linked data should be exposed in
  a ResourceRest object, while other information should not -- or in a different way
  (e.g. a hyperlink)
 - I did not want to make changes to core-domain objects, which are used all over
  the place and where a simple change may have big effects (serial compatibility,
  db-changes, db-update procedure, db-load times due to (non-)caching effects).

And then Rest is about state transfer, as the acronym REST says (and also about
discoverability and linking). A more classical, procedural api is rather about 
"do something".

E.g. in a classical api you may find a method:

    Schedule.enableDisable(boolean enabled);

In the Rest-world you would rather do the equivalent of on the client

    Schedule s = restClient.get(".../schedule/12345");
    restClient. put(".../schedule/12345");

Imposing that style on procedural apis would feel awkward. On the 
REST-side, there is a rule of thumb - if your URI contains a verb
("enable" in above example), then you are doing it wrong.

> Perhaps the remote CLI could be retrofitted to use REST under the covers??

While this is doable, it would require a lot of coding in the CLI under the covers to
offer the current functionality of the current CLI, so I am not sure if that is feasible 
just for the sake of unification.

> I would call it a failure on our side if we dropped/deprecated remote EJB API 

I don't think we should drop it - and this was never the question for me.

So while I think it makes sense to expose some functionality that is right 
now encoded in the Rest-Api as methods in theEjb-Api (e.g setting a 
baseline for a schedule), I do not think this generally a good direction.

  Hope that answers some of your questions.


Reg. Adresse: Red Hat GmbH, Technopark II, Haus C, 
Werner-von-Siemens-Ring 14, D-85630 Grasbrunn
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht München HRB 153243
Geschaeftsführer:  Mark Hegarty, Charlie Peters, Michael Cunningham, Charles Cachera

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