Metrics Migration Tool - Cassandra

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at
Thu Jan 10 17:02:07 UTC 2013

Le 09/01/2013 20:32, John Sanda a écrit :
> At this point, all we can do is speculate about how long the migration will actually take until we do some load testing. If we find that the migration is taking longer than we would like, another option could be to explore using the bulk import/export utilities provided by each of the databases.

I think working on bulk export files would be far more efficient. And it 
shouldn't be too difficult given the measurement tables have very simple 
schema (migrating to Cassandra may not be as simple as migrating these 
tables data though).

So why not having the two mechanisms:
1. batching with Hibernate which would support a larger number of 
deployments (Postgres, Oracle, SQLServer)
2. batching with bulk export files for the supported databases 
(Postgres, Oracle)

I know it's double code, test and support but I really doubt #1 can 
handle large amounts of data in less than a few hours.

And you're right, we cannot speculate on this and I don't believe we 
could make a release without actually trying the tool on different 


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