High Availability feature testing results

Michael Foley mfoley at redhat.com
Thu Jan 10 16:56:04 UTC 2013


2 things ... 

#1 ... Thanks for testing HA. 
#2 ... I am very interested in footnote #1. The more efficient we all can be in our environment setups ...then I can easily see how this translates into more productivity as well as more quality. 

Could I be so bold as to request an informal 15 minute G+ presentation on what you did there with Vagrant? Would any others be interested in this? At your convience, of course .... 

Michel Foley 
QE Lead, JBoss Operations Network 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Thomas Segismont" <tsegismo at redhat.com> 
To: rhq-devel at lists.fedorahosted.org 
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 10:24:13 AM 
Subject: High Availability feature testing results 

Hi all, 

I have finished to test the new high availability screens (GWT). 

I did not find any HA regression, only a few (minor) issues in the GUI: 
*affinity group screen does not show server members (but they are 
actually saved) 
*affinity group agent membership pop-up does not show all available agents 
I'm not sure if it's really a bug (maybe it was the previous behavior) 
* partition events screen does not show NORMAL->DOWN events for RHQ servers 
Again, maybe it was the previous behavior 

Regarding the testing method I used Vagrant[1] and a small set of 
(dirty) Puppet manifests to create the virtual machines on my computer: 
* 1 node with Postgres database 
* 2 nodes with RHQ server 
* 4 nodes with RHQ agent 
I made an RHQ build with dist and dev profiles activated and installed 
the servers from the distribution zip and the agents from the 
http://[host]:[port]/agentupdate/download URL (following this wiki page 


[1] http://www.vagrantup.com/ 
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