Discrepancy between REST and remote API

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at redhat.com
Thu Jan 10 09:49:26 UTC 2013

Hi all,

REST has been gaining functionality that is not available through our remote 
API. Lately, it is the ability to create alert definitions, but it also can 
create dynagroups, afair, which is something remote API can't do either.

While I welcome these additions and enabling remote users to achieve such 
things, I am also very concerned about fragmenting the capabilities of the two 
remote endpoints of RHQ.

I really do think that all the endpoints should be equal in their 
capabilities. Not necessarily the APIs or approaches to getting the data, but 
the users should be able to achieve the same things regardless of the endpoint 
they use. 

For this I think that ideally REST should exclusively use the remote EJBs to 
achieve its thing but that's not the case today. Because we are using local 
EJBs in REST, we are free to diverge as much as we want from the remote API, 
which I think is ultimately wrong and will only cause us problems when REST 
becomes stable and users will start asking questions why is this or that 
possible in REST and not in remote API (or vice versa).

Just my 2c, but I haven't heard any solid opinion on this problem or how to 
resolve it which is why I'm bringing it up here.


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