github migration

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at
Mon Feb 18 15:11:57 UTC 2013

Am 14.02.2013 um 03:26 schrieb John Sanda:

> I think it is safe to say that the questions surrounding moving plugins into their own repos and versioning of plugins are more complex that questions strictly related to moving to github. Gven that the plugin questions are not likely to be resolved as quickly, I'd like to propose that we consider them separately from any issues that pertain strictly to moving from fedorahosted to github. If github were to cease to exist tomorrow, the plugin questions are still as valid as they are today. 

I agree, that they are orthogonal to any source code control system or location.
They are not orthogonal to a split, as for components that are not in the "core" repository, we need to have a
stable environment. E.g. by requiring stable core components to build them against.
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