Possible failures in AS7 discovery and in plugins relying on JMX plugin

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at redhat.com
Wed Feb 13 17:40:55 UTC 2013

Hi all,

We recently had a test failure in RHQ JMX plugin. This was due to a bug 
in the Sigar version that we use.

I have updated our Sigar wiki page with details on this bug and possible 
consequences (and workarounds):


Please read this carefully if you monitor AS7 / EAP6 instances with RHQ 
/ JON or if the plugins you use rely on the JMX plugin (as far as I 
know, Infinispan / JDG plugin does, surely many others).

There is already a fix in Sigar master branch for this issue. The 
associated JIRA is here:


We plan to integrate the patch in our Sigar build as soon as possible.

Thanks and regards,

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