AS is killed if the agent is killed (provided it was started/restarted by the agent)

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at
Wed Feb 13 09:56:49 UTC 2013

Le 12/02/2013 19:31, Jiri Kremser a écrit :
>> BTW, the reason for Ctrl-C killing all processes is that the signal
>> is sent to all processes in the same group.
> We implement it manually in the AgentShutdownHook.interruptAllThreads().
> if there is a way to limit the signal to only getting sent to the
>> agent process (and not its child processes such that the child
>> processes remain alive and running even after the parent process
>> (the agent) dies), then that is something we should look into. I
>> didn't think it was possible to do that, but if so, that would be
>> great.
> The problem here is that on the one hand we need to send SIGINT to the agent to clear its resources, on the other hand we don't want to send the SIGINT to the angent, because he will relay it to the all daemon threads (including the running (run by Java runtime)). So it is obviously contradictory. Something like "trap 'kill -9 myPid' INT" in the would work, but it wouldn't clear the resources.
> The only way, I am aware of, is using the & operator:
> "nohup ./ --daemon &"  works well
> "./ ./" works well
> or "Runtime.exec(" &")" works well
> check the att., I did a sequence diagram for it, because it is quite complex.
> jk


I don't get it.

As far as I know, the child processes we create with Runtime.exec have 
no link with internal JVM threads. The AgentShutdownHook is executed 
when the JVM goes down, no matter if we run the agent in the foreground 
or in the background with the wrapper script.

And we're not sending SINGINT signals to child processes by calling 
interrupt on the parent JVM threads.

Runtime.exec internals are a fork/exec mechanism. Child processes 
created like this get the process group (PGID) of their parent.

In our case, the script is run in the foreground of an 
interactive shell. So when you hit Ctrl-C, it's the interactive shell 
that sends the SIGINT signal to all processes of the group the 
foreground process belongs to.


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