AS is killed if the agent is killed (provided it was started/restarted by the agent)

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at
Tue Feb 12 16:33:02 UTC 2013

Le 12/02/2013 15:43, John Mazzitelli a écrit :
>> Jiri, what if we trap the SIGINT signal in, tell the
>> user
>> Ctrl-C is disabled and ask him to use the shutdown command?
> IMO, I would not recommend this. First, we use Control-C all the time and I'm sure others do, too. Second, again, to support auto-upgrade of agents, the documentation tells people specifically not to touch their because those changes won't be copied over when they auto-upgrade the agent in the future (see the section "Do Not Alter The Launcher Scripts" here )
> Here's the simple solution - if people complain that their AS7 dies when they kill the agent, tell them "don't run the agent using" Add an FAQ on our FAQ page on this.
> Otherwise, tell them to run the agent like "nohup --daemon &"
> As a last-ditch solution, then OK you can tell the user to do what you suggested above ("trap SIGINT in") but when you tell them this, explain the caveats if they do this (point them to that wiki link I mention above that talks about how auto-upgrade of agent won't track those changes).
> No matter what we tell the user they can do, do not add this to our own that we ship with.
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My idea was not to tell users to touch their script but 
rather to change it in our repo. But it might be a bad idea... :)

BTW, the reason for Ctrl-C killing all processes is that the signal is 
sent to all processes in the same group.


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