AS is killed if the agent is killed (provided it was started/restarted by the agent)

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at
Mon Feb 11 17:44:13 UTC 2013

Hi Jiri,

I'm not sure it would be a good idea.

Orphan processes don't get killed automatically (it's true on Windows 
and on *nix). So I think we may do something wrong on the agent side.

Just try this test case [1] (with appropriate values for your box) and 
try to connect to AS7 after JVM died, it will work.



Le 11/02/2013 16:21, Jiri Kremser a écrit :
> Hi,
>    wrt
> I suggest 2 possible fixes.
> 1) To provide some intermediate simple script, for instance
> #!/bin/sh
> $@&
> and then calling the launch script with ./ ${}
> I was trying it and it solves the problem (trying it only in terminal, but it should work also for the case agent has executed the script).
> 2) Search for the "trap" commands in the launch script (they are the culprit) and comment them out before the execution, then uncomment them out (or create a temp. copy just for 1 usage).
> I think the fix should be hidden to the end user. If you have any other suggestions please respond to this email.
> JK
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