bundle / content api redesign

John Mazzitelli mazz at redhat.com
Mon Feb 4 20:42:20 UTC 2013

(This is more for Lukas, but it seems appropriate to discuss over the rhq-devel ML)


Jay and I went through the Bundles vs. Content design page,


In general the ideas sound good.

However, there are two things I'm questioning:

1) this is a major re-design/re-implementation - I'm not sure if we need to be concerned with backward compatibility with the older content API (i.e. I think we should release this in RHQ 5 timeframe, the new major release should indicate it contains some backward incompatible changes with RHQ 4).

2) (this is the bigger concern), it seems like you deferred to maintaining the Content/Package API and deprecated the Bundle API. In my opinion, we should do this in reverse. We should maintain the Bundle API (merging in the Content/Package API where applicable) and deprecate the Content/Package API.

Bundles has been a successful feature - more people are using it and like it (and they are using it successfully for things we didn't anticipate) compared to the Content/Package API (few people use it, and fewer like it :-)

The Content/Package classes are what needs to be deprecated, not the Bundle classes. I would recommend that where you say things like:

      @Deprecated NON_ENTITY computed from Package
      @Deprecated NON_ENTITY computed from PackageVersion

should instead be flipped like:

      @Deprecated NON_ENTITY computed from Bundle
      @Deprecated NON_ENTITY computed from BundleVersion

and things like:

   PackageVersionDeployment NEW CLASS
       exact copy of BundleDeployment, which become @Deprecated NON_ENTITY
   PackageDestination NEW CLASS
      copy of BundleDestination, which becomes @Deprecated NON_ENTITY

should instead just use the Bundle classes (BundleDeployment, BundleDestination) and just add data fields to the entities as necessary.

We can discuss further as to why Content/Package API is being retained and Bundle API is being deprecated, but those are my immediately thoughts.

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