Workaround Sigar getProcState bug

Thomas Segismont tsegismo at
Fri Feb 1 16:13:56 UTC 2013

Hi all,

After reading the Sigar C code, I eventually found why consecutive calls 
to getProcState could return different values. You'll find the details 
on the VMWare forum[1]. In a few words, Sigar caches return values for 2 
seconds but the cache is not purged if the process has died.

I am now pretty sure that we don't need to observe a two seconds 
interval between calls to refresh. We only need to serialize calls to 
refresh and stop calling Sigar if the process has already been reported 

I have made a changeset[2] for this in a topic branch. Apache 
integration tests pass (I initially had found problem running these) and 
rhq-probe job is currently running.

Please reply if you have any comment.




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