Storage Cluster Password Obfuscation

Stefan Negrea snegrea at
Thu Aug 22 14:47:51 UTC 2013

Hello Everybody,

I just pushed an update that introduces password obfuscation for storage node credentials [1]. The obfuscation mechanism is identical to the one used for SQL credentials. The update requires to have an obfuscated password for "rhq.casssandra.password" property. 

The password will be automatically set to the default obfuscated version on a full dev-container rebuilt. However, if you do not plan on doing a full dev-container rebuild anytime soon but you rebuild the server/jar module you will need to manually update the server properties file with an obfuscated version of the storage node password. Here are the steps to manually update a dev-container:
1) Run with --dbpassword argument (or the new addition --encodepassword if you've rebuilt the installer) and note the obfuscated version of the password.
2) Update rhq.cassandra.password property in the file with the obfuscated password.

Please let me know if you need any help with updating the dev-container or have any issues with the password obfuscation. 


Thank you,
Stefan Negrea

Software Engineer

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