dbsetup goof

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Thu Aug 15 19:29:35 UTC 2013


I've checked in a change to dbsetup this morning (v2.136/137), and made an error with respect to
the case of expressions in 2.136 (and I meanwhile found another issue in the original code). 

If the server complains about an unknown word "unlimited" for PropertyOptionsSource,
and/or fails to deploy the AS7 plugin,
you should run: 

ALTER TABLE rhq_config_pd_osrc
   ALTER COLUMN expression_scope TYPE character varying(15);

                WHERE EXPRESSION_SCOPE = 'unlimited';

in a SQL editor of your choice

If you have are still running db version 2.135 , you should hopefully be fine (keep fingers crossed).

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