BZ 883825

jean-frederic clere jfclere at
Mon Apr 22 13:25:16 UTC 2013

On 04/19/2013 06:01 PM, Simeon Pinder wrote:
> Hi Jean-Frederic,
> What browser are you seeing this behavior with?

Chrome Version 26.0.1410.63.

> I pulled down the
> release/jon3.1.x branch and did a clean build and I do not see this
> behavior with Chrome (Linux Version 22.0.1229.94) or Firefox(Linux
> ESR 10.0.6).  I would guess that this is likely an issue with
> different or newer browser version(I think the FF rev cycle for
> supported browser increments is insane and unstable).  Or failing
> that you could have a corrupt coregui instance hanging around in your
> browser.  If Shift+F5 does not change the behavior you may want to
> delete the browser cache/history for the last day or so to force a
> reboot.  I've run into this issue a few times before specifically
> when modifying coregui itself.

I have cleaned all in chrome and retry that is the same problem....
I have tried FF (20.0) same problem.



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