Test issues in the EAP 6.1alpha branch

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Wed Apr 17 12:42:56 UTC 2013

A Followup:

Am 16.04.2013 um 23:08 schrieb Heiko W.Rupp:

> Failed tests:   singleMergedTest(org.rhq.enterprise.server.alert.AlertDefinitionWithComplexNotificationsTest)

While it looks like it fails in logout() with a NPE, it really is some db-cleanup issue

09:44:29,964 ERROR [org.rhq.enterprise.server.alert.AlertDefinitionWithComplexNotificationsTest] (http-localhost/ Failed to DELETE an object from database: Resource[id=10001, uuid=enp                                 , type={org.rhq.enterprise.server.alert.AlertDefinitionWithComplexNotificationsTest$1}org.rhq.enterprise.server.alert.AlertDefinitionWithComplexNotificationsTest$1, key=org.rhq.enterprise.server.alert.AlertDefinitionWithComplexNotificationsTest$10, name=org.rhq.enterprise.server.alert.AlertDefinitionWithComplexNotificationsTest$10, parent=<null>]: java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException:Unable to find org.rhq.core.domain.alert.AlertDefinition with id 10001
        at org.rhq.enterprise.server.test.AbstractEJB3Test.executeInTransaction(AbstractEJB3Test.java:669) [test-classes.jar:]
        at org.rhq.enterprise.server.test.AbstractEJB3Test.executeInTransaction(AbstractEJB3Test.java:648) [test-classes.jar:]
        at org.rhq.enterprise.server.alert.AlertDefinitionWithComplexNotificationsTest.removeNoExceptions(AlertDefinitionWithComplexNotificationsTest.java:650) [test-classes.jar:]
        at org.rhq.enterprise.server.alert.AlertDefinitionWithComplexNotificationsTest.cleanDB(AlertDefinitionWithComplexNotificationsTest.java:284) [test-classes.jar:]

I see this one only on my RHEL / OpenJDK/ PG 8.4 box -- perhaps some test ordering / dependency issue?

>  doNotAllowSnapshotToBePinnedWhenDefinitionIsAttachedToPinnedTemplate(org.rhq.enterprise.server.drift.ManageSnapshotsTest): (..)

As in the next case the container is returning an EJBException , wrapping the IllegalArgumentException 

>  doNotDeletePluginIfDependentPluginIsNotAlsoDeleted(org.rhq.enterprise.server.resource.metadata.PluginManagerBeanTest): Expected an IllegalArgumentException when trying to delete a plugin with dependent plugins, got: javax.ejb.EJBException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You must delete the following dependent plugins also: [PluginManagerBeanTestPlugin2]

This is a change in what the container returns on failure (EJBException with wrapped IAE vs IAE directly)

I think this issue is pretty similar to what we had before where our application exceptions were not marked as such.
Now we are throwing children of RuntimeException, which the container seems to wrap (I did not check the spec if this is right).

I think we should subclass the IAE and mark it with @ApplicationException

>  upgradePluginWithTypesRemoved(org.rhq.enterprise.server.resource.metadata.ResourceMetadataManagerBeanTest): ResourceGroup with name ServerE Group already exists

Those I see on both OS/X and RHEL and looks pretty much like an issue with left over data, as it works with a freshly set up DB.

On OS/X I also had those two:


Those also work on their own with an empty db, so are fallout from earlier failures.

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