serialVersionUID update

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at
Thu Apr 11 15:38:02 UTC 2013

I may be wrong but I don't think the plugins are affected.  I don't 
think there is any serialization going on there.  I think only API 
changes will affect the plugins, not serialized form changes. The Agent 
of course is affected but the Agent must be updated, so that's not an issue.

As for client code, it will need to be rebuilt.  That could be 
considered an API break to some degree.  But the code does not need to 
change.  I don't think this is any change in the way we've handled 
remote client apps.  Whether that is an approach we want to revisit, I'm 
not sure.

On 4/11/2013 11:07 AM, Larry O'Leary wrote:
> On Thu, 2013-04-11 at 10:59 -0400, Michael Foley wrote:
>> Right.
>> I guess the questions for me are:
>>        * would a plugin break with this change?
>>        * would client code (a java class, or CLI code) break with this
>>          change?
> Yes and yes.
> This change would require the developer to rebuild and release a new
> version of their plug-in or client code.

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