Using remote-client-deps - eclipse

Libor Zoubek lzoubek at
Thu Apr 4 09:47:00 UTC 2013


I am writing a java remote client and I am depending on  
remote-client-deps:4.6.0 artifact. I have a little issue with my eclipse,  
which shows me errors (not compile errors) whenever I import/reference  
org.rhq.domain class that has hibernate or JPA annotations.

Errors I get are like this:
- The type javax.persistence.GenerationType cannot be resolved. It is  
indirectly referenced from required .class files
- The type javax.persistence.CascadeType cannot be resolved. It is  
indirectly referenced from required .class files
- The type javax.persistence.FetchType cannot be resolved. It is  
indirectly referenced from required .class files
- The type org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType cannot be resolved. It is  
indirectly referenced from required .class files
- The type javax.persistence.EnumType cannot be resolved. It is indirectly  
referenced from required .class files

I was digging around and found out that remote-client-deps had an  
exclusion for <artifactId>rhq-remoting-client-api</artifactId>


commenting it out in remote-client-deps pom didn't help. This is because  
rhq-remoting-client-api no longer depends on such atrifact, because it  
uses different artifacts provided by AS7.

I fixed remote-client-deps myself and added this: (taken from  
rhq-remoting-client-api:4.6.0 pom)


This fixed my eclipse issue, but it introduced 10 more dependencies.

Can anyone from you guys confirm this fix is correct? I'll create a BZ  
with patch.

Thank you

Libor Zoubek

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