AS7 work - what should be do before merging into master?

John Sanda jsanda at
Thu Sep 27 15:12:09 UTC 2012

On Sep 26, 2012, at 10:41 PM, Charles Crouch <ccrouch at> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
>> I would like to ask for a consensus on what needs to be accomplished
>> or "checked off the list" in order to consider merging the AS7
>> branch into master. What do you want to make sure is done/working
>> before we move over to AS7 in master?
> Just to be clear, master is for stable work. Feature branches are for working out the kinks.
> The litmus test should be: once this feature is merged into master, can someone continue working on bugs/features in master unperturbed by issues from the merge (obviously moving to AS7 will have an impact, e.g. EE6 apis, but here I'm referring to negative impact, e.g. I can't reliably do my bug fix in master now because some of the unit tests fail). The list you have looks like a good start, hopefully the comments above will help decide whether something should be on the list or not. Also we should have Mike F add his 2c when he's back next week.

As the majority of development and testing is done in master, I hope we keep this list as small as possible. The example involving unit tests is a good one. I do not think that should delay merging into master since there is going to be a lot of work involved with updating our unit tests that is probably going to take some time. I think it would be nice to see at least a handful of the new, Arquillian based tests that pass prior to merging into master. 

Beyond some new working tests, I think the stuff you already have working is a solid set of criteria for a merge. I do not think we need HA, SSL, or even alert script notifications to be checked off for a merge. I would prefer to merge sooner and for known issues in addition to ones we discover, we can open bugs against them and get more people working on these issues.
> Thanks
> Charles
>> For example:
>> 1) Make sure the installer sets up the app server such that you can
>> unzip and run the server
>> 2) Make sure the application successfully deployed with no AS7
>> deployment errors
>> 3) Make sure an agent can talk to the server (that is, make sure
>> inventory can be committed and agent/server comm works)
>> 4) Make sure the UI loads and you can log in
>> We can cross off those items. This is not to say there are not still
>> bugs in, say, the UI or elsewhere, but those basic things are done.
>> But what about:
>> 5) Be able to run all unit tests via "mvn test"
>> 6) Make sure QA has run through all of their integration tests and
>> all pass
>> 7) Make sure the entire UI/server works just like the old app based
>> on AS 4.2.3
>> 8) Make sure the CLI runs and can execute everything that could
>> execute before (Jay is working on this now)
>> 9) Run performance testing
>> 10) Make sure db upgrade and agent updating works
>> .. etc...
>> Those items are not done. Do those items need to be done before we
>> start asking the entire team/community to start working with the new
>> app server infrastructure? What other items should be on this list
>> of "must do these first before we switch everyone over to AS7".
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